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Referral Organizations


The CORE provides a referral list of noteworthy human rights defender organizations active in the support of addressing human rights issues. Individuals and communities may benefit from contacting referral organizations when:

Cumulative List

Front Line Defenders (FLDs) is an international organization that works for the protection of human rights defenders at risk –  people who work, non-violently, for any or all of the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). With headquarters in Dublin, an EU Office in Brussels, and regionally-based field staff in the Americas, Asia, Africa, Europe and Central Asia, and the Middle East, Front Line Defenders addresses the protection needs identified by human rights defenders themselves and provides practical support through security grants, physical and digital security trainings, advocacy and campaigning.  They operate a 24-hour phone line for human rights defenders in Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish. More information can be found here:

The International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) is an independent, non-profit organization promoting and protecting human rights. The organization works to strengthen human rights defenders’ capacity, human rights laws and systems at the national and international level, promote accountability for grave violations of human rights by States or non-State actors, secure implementation of effective human rights mechanisms at the national level, and build powerful partnerships for change. With offices in Geneva (Switzerland) and New York (United States), as well as a permanent presence on Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire), ISHR can be reached through their contact page.

Earth Rights International is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that combines legal justice with the power of people in defense of human rights and the environment. The organization, with head offices in Thailand, USA and Peru, provides legal action against perpetrators of environmental abuses, trains activists, and works with communities to demand meaningful and lasting change. Comprised of a team of community leaders, campaigners, and legal strategists that are committed to defending communities in the pursuit of justice, Earth Rights International can be reached through their contact page.

Protection International (PI) is an international non-profit organisation that stands for the right to defend human rights. We accompany human rights defenders (HRDs) in developing their preventive security and protection management strategies, with a focus on collective protection, protection networks and a psychosocial approach to protection. We are based in Belgium, Guatemala, Colombia, Indonesia, Thailand, DR Congo and Kenya.

PI’s support includes capacity building on protection for defenders, organizations, networks and communities; and research, technical advice and advocacy for good protection practices and public policies, as well as on countering criminalisation. On the organisation's website useful resources are available, such as toolbox publications for defenders, protection manuals, and e-learning trainings. Protection International can be reached through their contact page.

Indigenous Peoples Rights International (IPRI) is a global Indigenous Peoples organization working to protect Indigenous Peoples’ rights and unite and amplify the call for justice to victims of criminalization and impunity. Through the Legal and Sanctuary Fund, IPRI provides resources, albeit limited  for legal support, and related assistance to Indigenous Peoples or organizations and communities  who are falsely accused or criminalized, or are facing  threats or legal sanctions because of their actions to exercise or defend their individual or collective rights, including human rights defenders facing serious threats to their personal security and well-being. Based in the Philippines and working globally, IPRI can be reached through their contact page.

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