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Office of the Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise

Notice: Response times

We are currently experiencing a high volume of requests, which may result in longer response times. We appreciate your patience.

CORE stands for Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise. We are a human rights ombudsperson or “ombud.” We review complaints about possible human rights abuses by Canadian companies when those companies work outside Canada in the garment, mining, and oil and gas sectors.

Services and information

What you need to know about filing a complaint

The information you need to file a complaint

Resolving a human rights dispute and working with the CORE

How to file a complaint, how the CORE’s process works, what the CORE does about fairness, safety, and confidentiality

Frequently asked questions

Answer your questions about the CORE and its process

About the CORE

Find out more about the office, its mandate, vision and human rights

News, reports and events

Access our latest articles, media statements, and other events

Contact us

By telephone for Complaints, General Inquiries and Media Inquiries: +1 343 203 5060

By Email for Complaints:

By Email for General Inquiries and Media Inquiries:

File a complaint

What we are doing

Research and policy

Corporate information

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